Scottish Dancing Club

Why not give Scottish country dancing a try ?
We welcome new dancers to our classes and you will be dancing from the very first evening. You don't need to bring a partner, there'll be plenty of us happy to dance with you.
Your first night is free ! You can start any week and it's helpful if you can let us know you want to start.
Phone Sue on 07986665674 or email us here
Click the arrow to see us dancing The Blue Eyed Lassie, a jig devised by Bill Forbes who taught at Maidenhead for many years.
FAQ's ... frequently asked questions
Where can I learn Scottish country dancing ? ... Our club accommodates new dancers all year round. If there are sufficient beginners at any one time we try to run a half hour session dedicated to beginners. This would be from 7:30pm to 8pm on the normal Tuesday club night. Other clubs in the area also have classes.
How does Scottish dancing work ? ... You'll dance with a partner, usually a different one for each dance and typically in groups of three or four couples. Click on the video at the top to watch us dancing The Blue Eyed Lassie.
Do I have to bring a partner? ... No, in Scottish country dancing we usually change partners after each dance. It's social, you get to meet and dance with different people.
Do I need special clothes? ... No, come along in whatever you feel comfortable to dance in. Some men wear kilts, but it's a personal choice.
What about shoes ? ... It's easier to dance in soft, flat-soled shoes and safer for toes too. Once you decide you enjoy dancing we can suggest dancing shoes.
Is there an age limit ? ... Come along, if you are willing to enjoy the dancing there is no upper limit on age.